Hatred’s Long Finger Kills Again

Hatred’s Long Finger Kills Again.

It has happened again. Perhaps, in a way, it has never stopped happening. The calendar year of 2016 has seen 42 innocent people murdered and 550 injured in terrorist attacks in Israel. Sunday was another one of those days.

The ‘quiet’ of the last few weeks in Israel was shattered on Sunday, October 9, as a prison bound terrorist decided to leave his mark on history and destroy the lives of the family of Levana Malihi, a “beloved 60-year-old-grandmother” and 1st Sgt. Yosef Kirma, a 29-year-old Israeli policeman who had married only five months before. The reason for the deaths: a terrorist that was choosing suicide by cop rather than reporting for a four month long prison sentence that very morning.

While the families of Mrs. Malihi and officer Kirma were devastated, left to mourn the untimely loss of their loved ones, the family of the murderer danced in the streets of east Jerusalem celebrating his deed. They didn’t mourn him. Indeed, they celebrated him. He was a ‘martyr for the cause’. Yes, his life was taken by the Israeli police which I am sure the international community will say was unjust response to his murdering rampage. What was the cause? Hatred.

Five other innocent civilians of Israel were injured in the murderous rampage. One woman was just sitting in her car when he drove by and shot her. Others were waiting for the light rail train stop at Ammunition Hill, most likely pondering the holidays and the upcoming Fast of Yom Kippur which would begin on Tuesday.

What was the reason for the hideous attack? The attacker was well known to police. He had recently been indicted for multiple counts of incitement to violence, calling for an uprising against Israel to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. Additionally, he was an ardent supporter of terror organizations on social media. He was truly a fine, upstanding citizen of Israel – and he was that, a citizen of Israel, with all the rights that carried.

He didn’t really care who he killed. He just wanted to kill. His anger, whipped by his own self-radicalization, called for him to kill Jews wherever they were, whether it was innocently sitting in a car or standing at a stop for public transportation. Hatred is hatred. Hatred drives people to kill. He killed. In the end, he, too, was killed. What was it all about? His hatred. The Hatred harbored by Hamas, by Islam, by those who do not know how or wish to live in peace.

About heartlandheartbeat

Margy Pezdirtz has been a leader in the Christian Zionist movement for over twenty-five years. She has diligently worked as an activist in the church and community to increase awareness of Israel, to teach on Judeo-Christian relationships, and to promote the cause of Israel in whatever manner deemed necessary. It is her firm belief that in order to make a difference in the church, and the world, for the cause of Israel, a solid network of like-minded people has to be established at the grass roots level.
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